Housewife News – A Reason to See the Ladies and Have a Nice Meal

While there are many women who work, there are still many who play the role of housewife. While the internet is great for news, housewives still enjoy it when they get to hear the local housewife news of what is going on in the community. Sometimes it is gossip, sometimes it is local events, it really varies in terms of who is talking and what they wish to discuss. To just sit down and chat about the local housewife news is nice, but it makes it even more fun when you have a nice meal to go with it. Now really: who can say no to a nice meal…I have yet to meet anyone who could refuse a good meal with a pleasant conversation. So housewife news now is more of a method of entertainment with a meal and it is a reason to get all the girls together.

Not all housewife news is gossip in a bad manner. Unfortunately however, there still is a lot of negative housewife news and gossip. This is often well depicted on TV when you see overly jealous and competitive women competing for dominance. This is in the minority, but these are the dangerous housewives who spread only harmful news. Not every woman is like the women we see on television who give the rest of us a bad name. We talk about local events in the community such as the new stores that open up. This is especially important because many have recently lost their jobs, so some of us housewives need to find a way to kill to pay the bills and have some extra money so we can go shopping, enjoy some fine dining…or use towards whatever it is we enjoy. Sometimes we just discuss our hobbies and if anything fun happens considering the life of a housewife sometimes can be very mundane. It does help to hear news from the fellow ladies and know you have friends in the same boat as you.

To just sit and talk about housewife news is nice, but for myself personally, it becomes a fun time when a nice meal is involved. It does not need to be something fancy and no one really needs to cook; housewives usually cook too much already but that’s not such big news for anyone. It can be a simple meal like a light salad with some nice wine or it can be more upscale like a grilled fish fillet with a nice imported Merlot from France. It makes housewife news time a fun day for the ladies and in some ways can be compared to the likes of a fun play date from our childhoods. It makes the housewife news all that much more enjoyable.

Housewife news is only sometimes like how it is on television, but in reality it is a way to get the girls together and enjoy ourselves. Even though there are not as many housewives as their once was even 20 years ago, there’s always enough to sit down and enjoy themselves on their off time and be productive.

DJM Art: Business Without Office in the Digital Age

4 Important Things in Implementing Digital BusinessThere are four important things in running an information technology -based business or the internet. The four things are focus, segmented, brand empowering, and client support. If the four are run simultaneously and continuously, the unexpected results will be achieved.1. Every business needs focus, meaning that it is impossible for a businessman to be able to see the potential value of the sale when not focusing on the product and product knowledge. So determining focus is very fundamental when starting a business.2. Next determine the market segment. DJM Art is smart enough to choose timeless products, namely accessories. Beads according to information are only owned by two countries as references, namely Indonesia and India.Of the two countries, beads spread to all corners of the world. The choice of this product is very profitable when DJM Art is also able to produce itself. Beads have their own market segments, ranging from certain indigenous communities to design (fashion). Evidently, until now, DJM Art has been playing a number of designers in Jakarta and even Paris.3. Empowering BrandAfter having a clear segment, brand strengthening needs to be done. Empowering brands become mandatory activities for business people. DJM Art does it in a simple way that might be unimaginable, which is only relying on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Therefore, as a young businessman, Sofrul Mukhlis, the owner of DJM Art often said his office was only in the hand, namely a smartphone.In making promos, launching the latest accessories products, to communicating with potential buyers, can only be done through the features in the social networking site. Simple enough!4. Finally, building chemistry with prospective buyers or clients is very important. Because the products offered by DJM Art are nuanced art and not massive, so maintaining the intensity of communication in order to support prospective buyers is very important. All is done through social media until the transaction and the process of delivering goods is done through a freight forwarding service.Only by doing these four things, now the turnover of DJM Art, which is operated from the cities of Mojokerto and Jombang (as a workshop), East Java has reached tens of millions every week.Even before a certain momentum, related to customs in a number of regions in Toraja and Kalimantan, beads became mandatory. Thus orders also jumped drastically to hundreds of millions.Remember! All is done just by relying on a smartphone. If asked by DJM Art, it is an online store that does not have an office like a conventional business. So that the budget savings (office rent, electricity, water, etc.) need not be considered.The interesting lesson is that we can all do as the energetic youth, Sofrul Mukhlis, does. Indeed today, many are doing business using social networks. But has it ever occurred to sharpen the four things that are briefly described above?Conventional business models are increasingly being abandoned. Office infrastructure absorbs a small budget, therefore the choice of ‘business without office’ is a trend in the future. If you have tried it, don’t just post products but do market segment research, strengthen branding, and approach the client in a polite and friendly manner.

Critical Business Plan Disciplines and Resources

Like any major project, creating a business plan requires many different disciplines and resources. Here, four different plan considerations will be discussed. They are: 1) creation team members, 2) partitioning the plan parts, 3) assigning team member hierarchy and 4) writing and editing the plan. Each of these areas is of great importance.First, appropriate team members must be assembled that have the expertise to address the plan parts. While it isn’t necessary that every one be a skilled writer, they should possess the knowledge needed to create the plan parts. That knowledge can be explicit (e.g., accounting or business management) or process oriented (e.g., internet researcher or editor). Another very important consideration for a member is to assure they are committed to the plan process. The business plan creation process is complex, arduous, stressful and time consuming. Each potential team member must be assessed during an interview to make sure they are a willing and enthusiastic candidate and that they have the ability to work with the team to complete the desired plan.Next, once the business plan creation team has been selected, it will be necessary to partition the plan and assign parts to the various team members. Some members will be doing research (e.g., competitor analysis or internet research), others will be creating plan pieces (e.g., financials or budgets), still others will be assembling the plan pieces and finally someone will be required to write and edit the business plan package.Another important element of the business plan process will be setting up the team member hierarchy. The business plan creation process is complex and there are many opportunities to overlap, conflict and waste effort. It is necessary for each team member to understand his or her exact duties and responsibilities.At the top of the team hierarchy will be a member that is the integration manager. This function is to make sure the plan parts fit together and complement each other. Effectively, the integration manager is the master of the team and his/her skill will contribute to the quality, flow and completeness of the plan. He/she will act as dictator, conciliator and cheerleader during the creation process.The final complex tasks are the writing and editing processes. This daunting process brings together all the research, development facts, financial projections and the marketing concepts into a written document. It is a process to create a clear, unique and doable written plan for the business. It is most of all a marketing document and must talk directly to those outside entities that are to be impressed. Plans are used to obtain investors, financing and other backing. It’s carefully written to address the unique organizations and individuals that will be required to help make this business succeed. It must sell them that plan documents what is needed and how the business will succeed in the accomplishment. While the financials are important the sales and marketing aspects are essential in a positive presentation outcome.In conclusion, the business plan team must have the resources, skills and desire to create a quality plan. The quality, thoroughness and skill of the plan team will determine if the business plan presents the appropriate facts, sells the business opportunity and demonstrates a mastery of the business environment necessary to be successful. It doesn’t matter how wonderful the product or service is, someone must get it to those in need–The business plan gets this process started correctly.